Reptile Enclosure Tent with 540 Degree View

The SansBug pop up for use as a reptile enclosure tent is a much cheaper alternative to a glass tank which is small, heavy and prone to cracking.  The SansBug has fiberglass poles which are lighter than the steel rods in a grow tent.  Unlike fiberglass, the steel poles also rust.  Being lightweight, it is easier to reposition the tent to keep it in the sunlight.

We have seen that the SansBug can keep snakes out so it should be able to keep your pet snakes in!  The SansBug would make a great reptile enclosure to house your pet bearded dragons, geckos, tortoises and snakes.  It provides ample space for your pets to roam which is important for their physical and mental wellbeing.  A glass tank or metal cage the size of the SansBug would cost several times more.

Here are bearded dragons taking refuge inside a SansBug to protect them from toxic bugs and humans!

reptile enclosure: bearded dragons sunning in a pet tent

review of reptile enclosure tent

The SansBug full-mesh tent provides a 540 degree viewing window compared to the tiny ones which the grow tents have.  Your pets can enjoy the fresh air and bask in the sun in their reptile enclosure tent!

The SansBug has also been used as a giant insect terrarium to house monarch butterfly caterpillars, a bird tent, a bonding tent for sugargliders, and as a catio for cats and kittens.

Choose between the kids, 1-person, 2-person and 3-person sizes.

