Mosquito Nets for Twin, Double and Queen Beds

mosquito net for bedNeed: Mosquito net for bed.  Option one: hanging mosquito net which needs to be tucked under the mattress.  Option two: freestanding mosquito net tent that pops open into shape.

Which one would you choose?  Here’s a letter from UMich about surviving Bug Camp.

Dear SansBug,

I ordered a SansBug mosquito net tent to take with me for an annual camping trip to northern Michigan.  I am the Recruiting Coordinator at the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment and each year we take our new students to a university research property for orientation.   The property we go to is affectionately called “Bug Camp.”  Needless to say, my new SansBug was perfect for my trip this year!  Of course my tent was very useful for outdoor areas, but what I loved even more was that it laid perfectly on the bed in my cabin.   The cabins are known to be very rustic and often have bugs at night and sometimes mice.  Using my mosquito tent this year, helped me sleep better than I ever have there!   We also raffled a tent for one of our students to win, which was a big hit with a crowd that hikes, camps, and conducts outdoor environmental research!  Thanks again for a great product!

Adam Ancira, Recruiting and Admissions Coordinator, University of Michigan – School of Natural Resources and Environment

And here’s our largest mosquito net tent on a queen size bed.  The SansBug has also been used as a bed tent for autistic children to decrease their sensory input and provide a safe coccoon.

The SansBug is a clear winner as it can be used both indoors and outdoors, and it takes no time to set up!
