Bedbug Tent!

bedbug netting

“I literally went from 2-7 bed bug bites per night to zero the first night in the tent, and I never got one since.” Here are images of a bedbug in it’s various life cycle, courtesy of Department of Medical Entomology, Westmead Hospital in Australia.  Below is the image of the SansBug mesh also magnified […]

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Malaria and Mosquito Net Tents

We got back last week from a great trip to Thailand. It was an amazing experience and we were so glad that we could help the locals in their daily struggle for survival. The (SansBug) mosquito tents were absolutely brilliant, they helped us so much – none of us got any mosquito bites, no malaria (thank God), no scorpions, snakes, spiders, or lizards in our tents! I have attached… a picture of the hut we slept in with the tents. […]

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