Camp T. Brady Saunders

Camp T. Brady SaundersWith a few days left to go for boy scout summer camp at Camp T. Brady Saunders, and the SansBug out of stock on Amazon, we were able to ship Joe a 1-person just in time for his son’s trip.  Here’s an email from him:

“Thank you again for sending the SansBug mosquito net to me via FedEx.  It arrived on time, and we were able to practice with it – and watch the videos before going to camp.

Setting it up in the platform tent at scout summer camp was very easy – and I was pleased to see that it wasn’t too large in the tent. The SansBug generated a lot of interest and envy with the other scouts!  I have included a picture of it on a cot in the tent.  It is a great product!  Thanks again – Joe”

Part of the Heart of Virginia Council, Camp T. Brady Saunders is located about 30 miles from Richmond.  It was voted the 2nd runner-up for Best Summer Camp in 2024 by Richmond Times-Dispatch readers.  Since the open-air canvas tents are filled with mosquitoes and spiders, a mosquito tent makes summer camp much more comfortable and enjoyable.  There are plans to improve the older infrastructure which will make summer camp even better and allow the camp to be used year-round.