A bedbug infestation in your home will probably not only cause your friends to keep their distance but will also result in many nights of insomnia. So when Amy Terlitsky sent us the email below regarding bed bug tenting on returning from Liberia, it was another feather in the cap for SansBug.
“Our team returned safe and sound thanks to our SansBug tents. Another point to make about the benefit of your tents, is that IF you get to use them on a bunk bed or a mattress, the sturdy tarp helps protect from bedbugs!!! Here is a photo of one of our bunks with the SansBugs – we had 6 in all. This photo is from Vonzua – Liberia, Africa.”
The SansBug tent’s super-fine mesh and the attached groundsheet offers total protection from bedbugs. Even if a bedbug does hitch a ride into the tent by landing on your clothes or your bed sheets, there’s not much place to hide inside the tent. So if you don’t want to show up for work half asleep and with itchy red welts, look into sleeping in a SansBug. The one-man tent is 86 inches long so it should fit on a bed without a headboard and footboard. The SansBug allows you to sleep in peace and comfort while you work on long-term measures to control and get rid of bedbugs permanently.